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What Is PPC? A Guide to Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Do you want to enjoy instant success on digital platforms? Well, PPC could be a way to achieve the goal of immediate responses. By incorporating a pay-per-click marketing strategy into your business, you can get instant responses on various social media platforms. This will not only increase the engagement of your page but will also help you gain more revenue.


If you are also thinking of immediate responses, this guide will help you to bring more revenue to your business. We are going to unveil the top strategy of pay-per-click marketing and the PPC formula to increase your business revenue, create a brand presence, and make you recognizable.

What is PPC?


PPC in digital marketing stands for pay-per-click. PPC is a way to advertise your brand’s services and products on digital platforms to gain instant results in sales. With the perfect PPC technique, you can increase your brand’s sales, revenue, brand awareness, and online reputation. In this type of PPC campaign, the advertiser would pay a bidding amount on every click that users make while searching for their needs. 

PPC marketing technique is useful in various social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Well, the most common and favorable social media platforms have the potential to gain an audience for the product and are helpful in leveraging the sale of any service. PPC marketing allows you to target a precise demographic audience and allows you to be the potential customer base for your service and product. 

How Does PPC Work?

PPC is an auction-based advertising; its dynamicity allows businesses to target their customers based on a specific keyword, and they pay for their clicks on their website. Pay-per-click works by letting advertisers bid on a certain keyword or phrase on which they want to be on the top of the search engines. When a user searches for that keyword, then the search engine will show their website at the top. As the user clicks on your website, you will be charged for it. 

The advertiser can create the ad on any keyword based on their service. Moreover, they can also decide what demographic customer base they want to target. After that, Google will decide which websites should be shown on the top and on the second. Google will work on the algorithm, which follows the following factors:

  • Bidding amount
  • Relevance of the keyword to the ad
  • Ad Quality 

Benefits of Using PPC Campaign

Benefits of Using PPC Campaign

Undoubtedly, PPC comes with numerous benefits. On the one hand, it is cost-effective, and on the other, it is result result-driven approach to take your business to newer heights. A lot of people use the PPC technique as their marketing strategy just to bypass the time and effort that one has to make to drive results on their website. Let’s check the benefits in the below pointers:

  • PPC arts are cost-effective
  • PPC is easy to measure and track
  • PPC arts drive fast results
  • PPC arts allow effective targeting
  • Help you gain free brand awareness
  • It is easily discovered with SEO

Common Types of PPC Ads

If you get to know that PPC ads are quite beneficial for instant and immediate responses on your brand’s engagement and online presence, then you must take a note on what are the potential types of ads that can help you to grow your business revenue. Let’s explore. 

1. Search Ads

Search ads are the most common of them all. It is basically designed to drive traffic to the website. Search ads are basically text based ads for websites where a user searches their query on Google, and then they will get to know about your services as your website will be on the top of SERPs.

2. Video ads

Video ads are perfect for increasing brand loyalty. Video ads help to accelerate the trust and loyalty-building process within the community. Ads presented in a video format engage more audience and are quite useful on platforms like Instagram and YouTube.

3. Social Media Ads

Social media ads are best for creating brand value, increasing brand awareness, and creating an online reputation. Social media is a platform where everyone is active all the time. With these ads, you can target any certain demographic, specific location, and age group on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

4. Remarketing Ads

Remarketing ads encourage return visits. In this kind of ad, the advertiser will target those people who have come to your platform but didn’t click then the ad will appear to them again for their interest. Various PPC and social media platforms offer this kind of ad.

5. Call Only ads 

Call-only ads are those that influence the customer and the user to call directly to the business. This ad is quite suitable for businesses that emphasize more on-call marketing. Well, the advertiser will have to pay for every call.

What is The PPC Formula?

What is The PPC Formula?

The basic PPC (Pay-Per-Click) formula  is a straightforward calculation to determine the cost per click. Here’s a brief explanation:

Pay-Per-Click Formula:

Pay-per-click ($) = Total Advertising Cost ($)/ Number of Ads Clicked

This formula provides advertisers with a metric to evaluate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their PPC campaign. A lower cost per click indicates a more economical campaign, while a higher value may require further optimization efforts. Regularly monitoring and adjusting your PPC strategy based on this metric can contribute to a more successful advertising campaign.

What Are The Top PPC Advertising Platforms?

If you want to run a PPC campaign, then there are various platforms on which you can run these advertising campaigns. Here we are listing the top platforms where you can gain most of your audience and customer base through PPC and gauge your followers.

1. Google Ads

The most popular PPC platform, allowing advertisers to display ads on Google Search, Google Display Network, and YouTube. Google is a platform where almost every person has searched for their query at least once every day. No doubt about spending money on Google ads to have results. However, these ads are really worthwhile and result-driven. Let’s check its other key features in the below given pointers. 

Key Features:

  • Ads appear based on user search queries.
  • Text ads, display ads, shopping ads, app promotions, and more.
  • Precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behavior.
  • Shows ads to users who have interacted with the website or app.

2. YouTube Ads

An integral part of Google Ads, specifically focusing on video advertising on YouTube. YouTube is a platform where billions of users scroll every day; hence, advertising there would be a mindful move for any business.YouTube ads allow various kinds of ads. You can select any type of ad based on your product and service.

Key Features:

  • Advertisers pay when viewers interact with the ad (e.g., click or watch for a certain duration).
  • In-stream ads, video discovery ads, bumper ads.
  • Leverages Google’s extensive user data for precise targeting.
  • Seamless integration with other Google advertising platforms.

3. Facebook Ads

Advertising on the world’s largest social media platform, reaching a vast user base. Well, we all know that Facebook is one of the oldest social media platforms, and has a huge user base across the world. Hence, there is no doubt in the audience available on the platform, every business that really wants to grow digital have to male their way towards Facebook to attain a specified digital presence. Let’s check its key features to know more about Facebook ads.

Key Features:

  • Target ads based on user demographics, interests, and behavior.
  • Image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more.
  • Allows targeting based on user interactions with the business.
  • Advertisers can extend their reach to Instagram through the same platform.

4. Instagram Ads

Instagram’s advertising platform, integrated with Facebook Ads, allows businesses to reach a visually engaged audience. As the whole youth is on Instagram, it means advertising there can make a dominant shift in your sales and revenue. This way, Instagram ads help boost revenue and customer engagement. 

Key Features:

  • Emphasis on high-quality images and videos.
  • Full-screen ads in Instagram Stories.
  • Leverages Facebook’s targeting capabilities.
  • Directly tag and sell products within posts.

How to Set up & Optimize  Pay-Per-Click Ads?

How to Set up & Optimize  Pay-Per-Click Ads?

Have you also made up your mind to go with pay per click ads? Well, setting up a PPC ad and optimizing them involves various key steps that we are going to explore in the below pointers. Let’s check out all the steps:

Step 1: Define Your Goals

The very first steps involve your goal. First, you need to decide what your goal is and what amount of conversions and engagement you want in your ad. For instance, a cosmetic brand can have a goal of reaching 5 lakh users in a month and converting three lakh of them into potential customers.

Step 2: Selecting Keyword and Platform

The second step revolves around keyword research. It is the primary thing that an advertiser should perform, and the other thing is selecting the best platform for running the ads. Carrying forward the cosmetic brand example, this brand will target younger girls for being their potential customers. As the youth is mostly on Instagram then, they will decide on Instagram as their targeting platform.

Step 3: Creating a Campaign

The next step is creating a campaign, which includes the selection of demographic age groups targeting budget language, location, etc. Moreover, organize your campaign into ad groups based on related keywords. This helps in creating targeted ads for specific sets of keywords.

Step 4 Optimizing Landing Pages

You must enjoy optimizing the landing page for your customers. This page should include all the relevant keywords, and this page must introduce your service in a very captivating way.

Step 5 Deciding a Bidding Strategy & Track

Choose an appropriate bidding strategy. Options may include manual bidding, automated bidding, or a combination based on your campaign goals. Implement conversion tracking to measure the success of your campaign. This involves adding tracking codes to your website to monitor specific actions like form submissions or purchases.

Step 6 Optimization & Testing

Regularly review and optimize your campaign by adjusting bids, refining ad copy, adding negative keywords, and making other adjustments based on performance data. Conduct A/B testing to compare different ad variations and identify which elements resonate best with your audience.

If you find yourself stuck while making PPC campaigns for your brand, then you can connect with DGkul PPC services with the best of the PPC experts in the market. They provide top-notch solutions for every business.

Challenges Involved in Pay-Per-Click Marketing

When it comes to challenges involved with pay per pay-per-click marketing approach then, there are also a wide range of challenges. On the one hand, pay-per-click marketing is not an organic way to build the customer, and on the other hand, it also involves challenges like short-term results.

We all know that organic growth is what sets apart the trust, loyalty, and brand awareness for any brand, but PPC campaigns do not grow the audience organically; they give immediate results, which are quite impactful, but they are for the short-term. All in all, the pay-per-click marketing approach is good for immediate results but not friendly with long-term results.

If you want to have organic growth and want your page to grow tremendously with top-notch SEO techniques, then you must connect with DGkul’s SEO experts to generate good revenue from your websites.


Paper click is a dynamic approach to marketing to gather instant results on digital platforms like Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. It helps to boost engagement and the potential to bring new users to a certain platform. With the approach of pay-per-click marketing, one can get immediate responses and increase their brand revenue, but it is not that fruitful for long-term result-driven success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pay ads can vary widely depending on factors such as industry competitiveness, targeted keywords, and the chosen advertising platform. However, Highly competitive industries may have higher CPC rates, while niche markets might have lower costs. Advertisers set their bids, and the actual CPC is determined through ad auctions.

Yes, YouTube uses a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model. Advertisers on YouTube pay when viewers interact with their ads, such as clicking on the video or taking other specified actions. The YouTube advertising platform allows for various ad formats, including TrueView ads, where advertisers are charged when viewers engage with the ad.

The choice of which one is best between PPC and SEO will depend on the needs of the advertiser and the resources available to them. PPC gives immediate results and is quite expensive, whereas SEO is a long process that delivers organic results for a long period.

Pay-per-click (PPC) and SEO are two different online marketing strategies. PPC is a form of online advertising where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It’s a quick way to gain visibility in search engine results. SEO, on the other hand, involves optimizing a website to improve its organic (non-paid) search engine rankings. While PPC is about paid advertising, SEO focuses on organic search visibility without direct payment for clicks.

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