What is Digital Marketing? Is it Good For Your Brand?

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of a business. It helps the brand to reach the audience. All the ads that you see in newspapers, social media platforms, and television everything is a part of marketing.

What is Digital Marketing? Is it Good For Your Brand?

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However, with the advancement in technology and time, now we have leveled up to digital marketing. These days, most brands use digital marketing strategies to spread awareness about their products and services as well as get higher leads and sales. 

Now, you must be wondering what digital marketing is and whether you should use it for your brand as well. Well, we have got you covered. In this article, we will tell you what is digital marketing. Along with this, you will also get to know about its working process, advantages,  disadvantages, and basically everything that you need to know. So, without any further delay, let’s get started! 

What is Digital Marketing?

First of all, let’s answer our main question: what is digital marketing? Digital marketing is basically the promotion of a brand and its products on the internet. All the ads that you see on various social media platforms and websites, all those are a part of digital marketing.

Digital marketing was introduced in the 1990s, but it became popular after 2005 when people started using the Internet and mobile phones majorly. 

The best part about digital marketing is that it lets you reach the targeted audience faster. Moreover, you can select your own targeted audience on the basis of their age, location, gender, interests, etc. Not only this, but the digital market is also cost-efficient. So, for small brands who cannot afford traditional marketing, digital marketing is the best option. 

How is Digital Marketing Different from Traditional Marketing?

Now that you know what is digital marketing, you must be wondering how it is different from traditional marketing. Well, here is a proper traditional marketing vs digital marketing for you: 


Traditional Marketing 

Digital Marketing 


Traditional marketing is the promotion of products and services through mediums like newspapers, TV, billboards, magazines, etc.

Digital marketing is the promotion of a brand and its products and services through social media and the Internet. 


Very expensive


Time and Efforts

Time and effort taking

Time saving 



Very fast 


One way

Two way 



Lve and rapid 

Tweaking and Editing 

Not possible 



Cannot be tracked 


Targeted Audience

Not specific

Very specific 


Less effective

Very effective 

Return on Investment (RoI)

Not measurable 





Lead Conversion 



This provides you with a clear understanding of how digital marketing is different and better than traditional marketing.

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Now, let’s understand how digital marketing actually works. Earlier, newspapers, radio, TV, etc., were the only modes of marketing, but now, with the improvement in technology, the internet has become a big part of marketing. These days, every brand uses digital marketing to boost their awareness as well as sales.

In digital marketing, an ad is posted on the internet, and with the help of digital marketing tools like SEO, and other filters, we make our ads reach the targeted audience. Once the audience clicks on our ad, they are redirected to our website. Now that the lead is generated, if the customer is happy with the product or service, they purchase. It not only improves your sales but also brings more traffic to your website. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Now that we know what is digital marketing and how it works, it is time to move ahead. In this section, we will have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing. So, let’s first understand the advantages of digital marketing.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

1. Helps You Reach the Target Audience

In digital marketing, you can select your targeted audience on the basis of their age, gender, location, and interests and then send them your ads. This way, you have to put in less effort and get high results. Moreover, you get to focus on a specific audience rather than giving generic attention to the whole audience. 

2. Increased Brand Awareness and Visibility

With digital marketing and the right tools, you can improve the visibility and awareness of your brand. With this, more and more people will get to know about your brand, and your website traffic,  lead generation, and conversion will increase. 

3. Redirect to the Website

When it comes to digital marketing, the product and website link are attached to the ad. You just need to click on it, and you will be redirected to the brand’s website. This way, you do not need to search for the product on the Internet. It saves you time and increases website traffic. 

4. Cost Effective

The best part about digital marketing is that it is cost effective. It is not possible and affordable for every brand to get their advertisements on TV and billboards. On the other hand, digital marketing can be done at a very low cost. 

5. Measurable 

With digital marketing, you can actually measure the number of leads generated from any particular platform and which particular ad or campaign. This gives you an understanding of what people like and what they do not like and ultimately helps you in creating a better digital marketing strategy for the future. 

6. Time Saving

Digital marketing is a time saver for both the marketer as well as customers. The brand does not have to spend a lot of time planning and recording the ad. On the other hand, the customer also does not need to go to the market to buy the product. Everything can be done online easily. 

7. Easy to Learn 

There are various companies that provide digital marketing services. However, if you do not want to get services from any other company, you yourself can market your brand online. To learn digital marketing, you can join a digital marketing course, and within a span of 2 to 4 months, you will become a pro at digital marketing. 

Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

1. Keeps Updating

Digital marketing is technology-based, so as technology advances, the tricks of digital marketing also keep changing all the time. No matter how well you learn what is digital marketing and how it works, something that worked for you today might not work for you tomorrow. The tools and Google Analytics keeps changing. 

2. High Competition

Since digital marketing is affordable and shows rapid results, every brand is using it to scale their products. Due to this, the competition is too high. If a brand wants to make an impact on the audience, they have to select the content marketing strategy very precisely. 

3. Chances of Failure

Growing your business just with the help of digital marketing is a risky trail. It does not work every time. Out of all the fundamentals of digital marketing, even if one small thing goes wrong, it can ruin the entire game.

Types of Digital Marketing (Modes)

In the end, it is time to have a look at the types of digital marketing. These are basically the different modes of digital marketing that a brand uses to market its products and services on the Internet. Let’s talk about them one by one. 

1. Content Marketing

In content marketing, the brand tries to reach potential customers with the help of content like blogs, e-books, infographics, etc. It also includes video content and all the content that goes on social media. Since content consumption is increasing every day, content marketing is changing the game for many brands. However, if you are planning to scale your brand with content, you will need to make sure that your content is unique and useful to the customers.

2. Affiliate Marketing

You must have seen influencers or people with a good following on social media promoting certain services and products from specific brands. Well, that is a part of affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, the brand goes to the influencers or websites with high traffic from the same niche to promote their brand. This allows the brand to reach its targeted audience faster. In return, the brand pays the promoter in commission or in certain pre-decided amount. 

3. Pay Per Click 

Pay-per-click ads are the most affordable form of digital marketing, where the marketer or brand only needs to pay for the advertisement if someone actually clicks on their ad. PPCs are mostly used on news and information websites and social media platforms like Twitter. Some of the most used PPC ads are Google ads and Facebook ads. 

4. Social Media Marketing 

These days, most people start and end their day with social media. As soon as they get free for even five minutes, social media is the first thing they check. Taking advantage of this, brands are now using social media to promote their products and services. Social media marketing can be a big help for your brand’s targeted audience is youth and adult people from the age of 16 to 35 because they use social media the most. 

5. Website Marketing 

Many brands often use their own website to promote their products and services. It can include posting content on their own website, like reviews, testimonials, and other video content. Website marketing is a concept that has been introduced previously. Brands have been using this for a very long time. 

6. YouTube Marketing 

YouTube is one of the most used platforms to consume video content, simply because it is free. Not just this, but YouTube is the second-largest search engine. These days, people prefer searching for things on YouTube rather than Google. Hence, YouTube can help you reach a new audience. As per reports, more than 65% of brands have already included YouTube marketing in their digital marketing strategy.  

7. Email Marketing 

Whenever we subscribe to a new service, they ask for our email address, and soon after that, we start receiving promotional emails from that service. This is a very common example of email marketing. In email marketing, promotional emails are sent to existing and new customers. This has been one of the oldest forms of digital marketing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital marketing is the process of marketing or promoting your brand on the internet. It includes promotion on websites, YouTube, and social media platforms. 

Digital marketing is definitely a lot better than traditional marketing. It saves a lot of time, money, and effort. Moreover, it also shows faster results and is measurable. However, which form of marketing would work for your brand, it totally depends on your targeted audience, budget, and the type of product and service that you are offering to the customers. 

Yes, as compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing is a lot cheaper and easy to handle. 

Some of the types of digital marketing are: 

  1. Content Marketing
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Pay Per Click 
  4. Social Media Marketing 
  5. Website Marketing 
  6. YouTube Marketing 
  7. Email Marketing


All in all, digital marketing has become very important for business to grow. It is no longer a luxury; it is more of a necessity now. If you want to grow your business and scale it, digital marketing can be the right companion for it. In simple words, while traditional marketing is just effort, digital marketing is the efforts in the right direction that can help you reach your goal faster. We hope this article of what is digital marketing was helpful to you. 

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